​Handling of personal data in Mini Club Denmark.

General personal data
We only store and use general personal data, i.e. membership number, name, address, telephone number and email.

Member list
Contains member number, name, address, phone and email for use in general board work and on the website, everything behind a password or locked.
Member list on the website, as the club's purpose, among other things, is to exchange experience and information about technical assistance, spare parts, arrangements etc.

Label list
With membership number, name and address to be able to send out the club magazine and collect dues.

Phone and email in member list
Also to be able to issue dues reminders and other messages relating to the club's activities. When sending emails to several members, we use the Bcc function so that others cannot see who else has received the same email.

Member news in Mini Nyt
The name and address of new members and of address changes are entered here. When canceling, however, only membership number.

Accuracy and erasure
Every two months, before the publication of the club magazine Mini Nyt, the member lists are updated and all information about those who have withdrawn is deleted.

Pictures and videos of people and vehicles, recorded during the club's events, we consider harmless and will be published without consent in Mini Nyt, on the website and on Facebook.

Board work
If you join MCD's board as a volunteer, in a committee or other task solution, your contact information in the form of name, email, telephone and possibly picture, be shared with the club's members on the website. Thus the communication to members and other places where it is relevant to inform how the club's members can get in touch with you.

When registering, changing address, etc., we assume that you agree to the above. If, upon registration or subsequently, you do not want address information displayed on the website or under member news, we will of course respect this. So state this when registering, or contact the member list managers / treasurer.

​Applicable as of January 2020